
New York, US – London, UK | 2017

Photos: Milk Films Cafe | Dancer: Bobbi Jene Smith


New York, US – London, UK | 2017

Choreography: Maxine Doyle
Dancer: Bobbi Jene Smith

“For all of us have a basic, intuitive feeling that once we were whole and well: at ease, at peace, at home in the world; totally united with the grounds of our being; and that then we lost this primal, happy innocent state and fell into our present sickness and suffering. We had something of infinite beauty and preciousness – and we lost it; we spend our lives searching for what we have lost; and one day, perhaps we will suddenly find it. And this will be the miracle, the millennium.”

Dr Oliver Sacks, Awakenings

A ten day choreographic investigation drawing on the work of Dr Oliver Sacks in collaboration with dancer Bobbi Jene Smith, at Studio Wayne Mcgregor’s new space in East London – Here East

Maxine Doyle is supported by Studio Wayne McGregor through the FreeSpace programme.

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